Monday, March 31, 2008

Did you come on car today?

Did you come to office on your car today?
Did you come alone?

If you have answered YES for the above you might also answer YES for my next question.

Did you curse the traffic?

If YES, then curse yourself for causing that.

Naah.. you won't agree with me. Won't you?
They say pictures speak louder than words.. So, I will explain it to you through pictures.
These are from an advertising campaign in the city of Munster, Germany which has a very high percentage of bicycle commuters.
The campaign compared road space required to transport 72 people.

1) What happens when all these people use bicycles to commute?

Road space = 90 sq.m

2) Now what if they take a bus instead?

Road space = 30 sq.m.
Plus, no parking space required. The bus will go back to the bus depot.

Pretty neat haan...

3) Now let all of them have the luxury of a car as you have.

With 1.2 person per car on an avg, 72 people in 60 cars.
Space required = 1000 sq.m.

So, you know whom to curse in tomorrows traffic jam.
Have a safe drive.
[Now don't run your SUV on my bicycle ;) ]

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